Swiss Human Rights Institution

Page context


The SHRI is Switzerland's independent national human rights institution. It represents all population groups and campaigns for their rights.



SHRI General Assembly: you are invited

The SHRI’s annual General Assembly will take place on Wednesday 29 May in Fribourg. Part of the event will be open to the public.

The SHRI’s annual General Assembly will take place on Wednesday 29 May in Fribourg. Part of the event will be open to the public.


The SHRI is Part of the ENNHRI

In September 2023, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) accepted the SHRI as an Associated Member.

In September 2023, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) accepted the SHRI as an Associated Member.



Porträt eines Mannes mit Halbglatze, Brille und Bart.

«We have to constantly maintain human rights»

Stefan Schlegel, the new director of the SHRI, on the state of human rights in Switzerland and the role of the SHRI.

Stefan Schlegel, the new director of the SHRI, on the state of human rights in Switzerland and the role of the SHRI.

Who we are

The logo of the SHRI

The designers of Herendi Artemisio have developed a reduced and self-confident appearance for the newly established SHRI. Its purely typographic implementation ties in with the Swiss modernist grap...

The designers of Herendi Artemisio have developed a reduced and self-confident appearance for the newly established SHRI. Its purely typographic implementation ties in with the Swiss modernist graphic tradition.